Avatar® Empowers You to Create the Life You Want

Avatar Courses

The 9-day Avatar course is made up of 3 sections. ReSurfacing is the first weekend of the course, but can be taken as a complete workshop on its own. Together the three sections take people on an amazing journey that leads them to discover their true self and shape their reality. People are forever changed. They are equipped to live their lives deliberately!

Explore on your own

Explore on your own

The Avatar Path

Section I: ReSurfacing®

In this workshop people embark on a personal journey where they learn how personal beliefs affect experiences. People participate in simple and powerful exercises for quieting the mind, discovering their own belief blueprint, increasing their ability to control their attention, having true compassion, and creating inspiring goals.  2 days – $295

Section II: The Exercises

Section ll enables people to experience the dimension of awareness beyond the thinking mind. People learn to perceive without judgement or labels. Stress is replaced by a relaxed state of being. From this foundation, people develop the ability to repattern negative conditioning and create the realities they most desire.  4-5 days – $500

Section 3: The Rundowns

Section III teaches how to get rid of creations that interfere with personal success and well-being. In the Avatar Rundowns, people use the “discreation” technique to address personal limitations, body issues, conflicts with self and others, and persisting conditions. The result is that they experience a state of pure awareness and gratitude. 1-2 days – $1500

The Avatar Masters Course

The Avatar Master Course is about genuinely connecting with others, maintaining a stable presence no matter what is happening around you, empowering people to achieve what they may not think is possible, resolving conflicts, and communicating with others from the heart. It also teaches people how to handle discouragement, and gives specific techniques for creating true abundance. It is a 9-day course and is held 4 times a year in the USA, all in Orlando Florida. Prerequisite: The Avatar Course and an invitation from your Avatar Master.

The Avatar Professional Course

The Avatar Professional Course focuses on increasing students ability to be present and real, to align their life with their higher purpose, and to handle hidden resistances that hold people back from true success.

It is a 7-day course held in Orlando Florida once a year. Prerequisite: The Avatar and Master Courses.

The Avatar Wizard Course

The Avatar Wizard Course teaches about the different levels of consciousness, and the effect of operating at each level. People learn how to handle confusion, feeling disconnected, projections, indecision, addictions, and creations that seem to keep coming back. They also further develop their intuitive ability and creative power. The Avatar Wizard Course is a 13-day course that is held in Orlando Florida once a year. Prerequisite: The Avatar and Master Courses

Your Future Starts Here.