Avatar helps you awaken a higher awareness, and from that viewpoint you can explore behind the scenes of your existence and discover the uninspected, unconsciously-held beliefs that are causing your life to be as it is.
How avatar can help you
The Avatar course is a nine day course based on the simple truth, “that your beliefs will cause you to create or attract situations and events that you experience as your life. ” This opens the door to a new technology, a natural ability, that allows you to create and discreate the beliefs that are the source of your life experiences! How far you go is up to you…. it’s your exploration.
“People often ask me what Avatar did for me. I have to say, Avatar itself did nothing, but using the Avatar tools did everything, miraculous things in fact. They continuously, experientially reveal to me that this is my life I am creating.. that there is a bigger picture of which I am a part…and how to create better for us all. It has been fertilizer for my growth, my own unique path. Things really started to accelerate in my life and in the lives of those around me.”